Going on holiday? Keep your back safe with this advice from our Witney Chiropractor

bad back travelIt’s summer time! For loads of us that mean it is holiday time! Whether you’re jetting off the Spain, driving across the country or you’re jumping on a train to your relatives back home you are more than likely about the spend hours and hours sat down.

Travelling is the worst part of a holiday and it can also be the most damaging on the back. As leading chiropractors in Witney we have some useful advice for you to bear in mind this year.

Before you go

There are few things you can do before heading off on your travels that will stand you in good stead and they mainly revolve around luggage;

  • First of all, pack only what you need and keep the weight down as low as possible.
  • Consider how you will carry your luggage. As leading Chiropractors in Witney we always recommend luggage with wheels (as long as the handle is tall enough). If you can’t do this then a strong rucksack which distributes the weight evenly will do a good job.
  • Finally on luggage, two bags are better than one. Share the load.

If you’re driving

  • You want a slight bend at the elbows when your hands are on the steering wheel. Be careful to not be sat to close or too far away either as this puts unnecessary strain your neck and back.
  • Take regular breaks. We know the temptation to get to your destination as quick as possible is strong but it is important to take regular breaks and stretch out, every 1-2 hours will do it.
  • Wear loose and comfortable clothing.
  • Keep hydrated and relaxed.

On a bus, train or plane

  • Keep hydrated and relaxed – It is important you keep hydrated as dehydration will exaggerate muscle pains.
  • Do some exercises – You will be stuck in your seat for a long time, so make sure you are doing a few seat exercises to keep your blood circulating and your body limbered up.
  • Go for walks – When you can get up and about, do it and stretch off.
  • Remember to lift your luggage properly and avoid over stretching or lifting too heavy a bag (your prep work should come in useful here).

For more useful advice on keeping your back and neck safe whilst on your summer holidays please get in touch.


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From the team at Witney Chiropractic Clinic
Serving the community of Witney including
Eynsham, Carteton, Ducklington, Curbridge and Hailey



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