Fees at Witney Chiropractic Clinic

Chiropractic Consultation (Check Our Web Special Offer Here)

Includes: Full case history, Chiropractic, Orthopaedic, and Neurological examination with verbal report of findings. Thereafter your Chiropractor will discuss and determine with you, the best treatment options for your health….Now and in the Future!!


Chiropractic treatment per visit:


Major insurance companies accepted.

The following payment methods are accepted:

visa-straight-64px delta-straight-64px visa-electron-straight-64px mastercard-straight-64px maestro-straight-64px




Feel Like A New Person ...
From the team at Witney Chiropractic Clinic
Serving the community of Witney including
Eynsham, Carteton, Ducklington, Curbridge and Hailey