By definition, is a pain that originates from the head or neck and upper shoulders are often referred to as a cervicogenic or stress headache. Many times, these headaches can be a byproduct of whiplash, neck injury or muscle trauma due to poor prolonged posture or severe stress.
Cervicogenic headache, which is clinically defined as pain that is present in the head, but which originates in the cervical spine.
Headaches are different for different people; some are more severe, some present in the head while others have pain behind the eyes.
If we first look at the commonalities between migraines and cervicogenic headache symptoms, we can then discuss the unique symptoms. Both types of headaches affect a largely female population and are unilateral in nature. Both migraines and cervicogenic headache sufferers complain of severe pain, head throbbing, nausea, phonophobia (sensitivity to sound) and photophobia (severe sensitivity to light). However, these symptoms are reported far more frequently in migraine sufferers. This is primarily where the similarities end as migraine headaches have no association with the cervical spine and do not originate in the neck region.
Pain that begins in the occipital region, (where your head and neck meet) and in the cervical spine then progressively spreads upwards into the head is a classic symptom of cervicogenic headache.
For those that suffer from these types of headaches, it should be said that although the intensity of pain will fluctuate from mild to moderate to severe, cervicogenic headache symptoms occur daily.
There are two symptoms that are generally exclusive to those with cervicogenic headaches.
The first is that the headache can be made worse or actually caused by head or neck movement, conversely lack of head movement is also attributable. Prime example would be working at the computer all day, or classicly falling asleep in the chair.
The second is that there is marked tenderness in the suboccipital region most of the time!
It is obvious that when it comes to cervicogenic headache symptoms, the neck plays a significant role in diagnosing and assessing symptoms.
Some may experience symptoms that are not covered here and still be suffering from cervicogenic headaches. It goes without saying that as a unique individual, you should be diagnosed and treated as such.
If you are suffering with any of the above then please contact us to see how we may help.
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