Witney Chiropractic Clinic

Want to impress this Valentine’s Day? A Witney Chiropractor shares this advice on how to improve your posture

Want to impress that special someone this Valentine’s Day? To make a good first impression you need to look confident. Your posture is a key factor in helping you look and feel confident, your back will also thank you in years to come if you look after it now. There are many benefits from having […]

What Type Of Back Pain Are You Suffering?

Have you been suffering back pain in silence? Do you suffer recurring incidents of back pain? Have you tried different ways to ‘cure’ or alleviate your back pain to no avail? If you answered yes to one or more of the above then you’re not alone! Unfortunately back pain is on the increase. The good […]

Consumer Research Reveals Disturbing Trends For Back And Neck Pain Across The UK

The results of consumer research revealed by the British Chiropractic Association this October make for disturbing reading. The research looked at the trends for back and neck pain across the UK and in particular the frequency at which people are suffering of back or neck pain and also common triggers. As far as frequency is […]

Back Pain In Older Adults – What Do You Know?

This year’s BackCare Awareness Week which runs from 8th to 12th October focuses on back pain in older adults.The reason to focus the campaign on this demographic is due to the results of research highlighting the lack of awareness that this group has about the cause and effect of back pain and pain management. Here […]

Don’t Let Back Pain Spoil Your Holiday

Holidays are meant to be enjoyable. For some this means lying on a beach, soaking up the sun, for others it may mean being more active whilst for others it means spending quality time with family and friends. Whatever you want out of your holiday our chiropractor at Witney Chiropractic Clinic is certain it’s not […]

Summer Festival Goers Please Watch Your Backs

The Summer season of festivals is underway. Regardless of your age or interests there’s a festival somewhere for you. It seems we Brits can’t get enough of them. In and around Witney, we have a number of well known festivals including the Witney Music Festival and The Big Festival a music and foodie event for […]

Get Active – Get On Your Bike

Cycling is becoming increasingly popular. More and ore people and getting on their bikes for a whole host of reasons. Some for fun, some to get active and get some exercise, some for the environmental benefits whilst others see it as a cost effective form of transport. As chiropractors we treat far too many patients […]

It’s Walk To School Week 21 – 25

Walk to School Week runs every year during May. Living Streets organises these campaigns to encourage children and their families to walk to school. Each year they put together a themed challenge to get children and their families to get a taste of the many benefits that walking offers. In 2017 400,000 children and their […]

What’s up with Britain’s backs?

To mark Chiropractic Awareness Week in April, the British Chiropractic Association (BCA) revealed the results of consumer research undertaken to ascertain the health of people’s backs across different regions of Britain. The research, as with other research published recently yet again highlights the increase in back and neck pain, with this research showing a 12% […]