Other Symptoms treated at Witney Chiropractic Clinic

In pain or discomfort and want relief and your quality of life back?

While our patients’ conditions may vary they share a common desire to rid themselves of the pain and discomfort they are in and the impact that their condition is having on their life.

Chiropractors are best known for treating back pain, which they do very well. However, patients also consult chiropractors regarding a range of other related conditions.

If you are seeking the same then the good news is that helps is at hand.

As an experienced chiropractor in Hounslow I help patients of all ages and from all walks of life with a range of conditions.

Some of the conditions more commonly attended to by me include:

  • Acute neck pain*
  • Shoulder pain such as Frozen shoulder*
  • Elbow pain *
  • Joint pains
  • Headaches arising from the neck
  • Arthritis pain – knee and hips
  • Hip and knee pain from Osteoarthritis

*Arising from or associated with the back and neck

Your condition may have started recently following a specific incident such as a sporting injury. Or as a result of wear and tear of daily life on your body, perhaps as a result of poor posture, an uncomfortable work position or repetitive strain. You may be suffering a challenge during your pregnancy.

There are many different conditions with different causes. The key to getting the right treatment for your condition is to firstly establish what type of problem you may be suffering and to seek the best possible advice if your pain is not improving.

As an experienced chiropractor in Witney I’m well placed to give you the best advice, treatment and management of the above conditions and have extensive experience in helping people who are suffering from these symptoms.

“Came in hurting left fit” – Mr G Murphy

“Definitely the best Chiropractor in our area” – John

“I’m ache and pain free after the last time I visited you” – Mr J Williams

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If you are in pain or discomfort and looking for relief and want to get your quality of life back then why not call us on 01993 776619 to make an appointment with me at Witney Chiropractic Clinic.

Feel Like A New Person ...
From the team at Witney Chiropractic Clinic
Serving the community of Witney including
Eynsham, Carteton, Ducklington, Curbridge and Hailey