The Bake Off - Keep your back safe in the kitchen advices leading Chiropractor in Witney

The Bake Off – Keep your back safe in the kitchen advices leading Chiropractor in Witney

The Great British Bake Off is in full swing and isn’t it great. Every year the show is on we get excited by the drama, the mistakes and excellent bakes. Being busy Chiropractors in Witney we love the show and how it inspires many of you to start baking, but we do want to warn […]

You don't have to be a Sporting Superstar to benefit from Chiropractic treatment in Witney

You don’t have to be a Sporting Superstar to benefit from Chiropractic treatment in Witney

The World Athletics Championship has been and gone, and wow what a championship it was. We had British medals, we had human battles and we had Bolt. It was hard not to get excited by the action. What you may or may not have noticed about the championship was the massive operations behind most of […]