Witney Chiropractic Clinic

Have a Merry Christmas from Witney Chiropractic Clinic

The team at Witney Chiropractic Clinic would like to wish everyone a very happy and healthy Christmas. We are all looking forward to relaxing in front of the fire with a good film and eating lots of turkey and mince pies! At Christmas, we know lots of people will be wanting to do the same; […]

Witney Chiropractic Clinic

Is your commute a pain in the neck? Research suggests it might be shares our Witney Chiropractor

Most of us, who are working, have to entail the dreaded daily commute. Whether it’s by train or car, it can leave you feeling quite stressed and often with neck, back or muscle pain. A recent survey has found that 19% of the UK workforce feels that their daily commute is leaving them with pain. […]